HOW I PROOFREAD MY PHD THESIS – 250 pages | Essay Editing Tips

hello everyone and welcome back to my channel if you are new here my name is Amina and I’ll see you love it if you can subscribe to my channel to see more from me I love to rant and ramble and chat and educate you guys about education amongst other things so if you want to see more from me and you want to join the family which is rapidly growing then I really love if you subscribers in today’s video I’m means you talking about how to proofread your own work now this is probably one of the most crucial aspects of writing anything any bit of writing that you have to do as a student or even just writing an email has to be proof read and I actually have my pieces here so this is my this is my thesis and it is very thick as you can see it is I think it’s 200 and yeah 215 pages long and I proof read this I’m also a professional proof reader i proofread freelance I have a small consultancy business where I proofread and I help you guys with getting into universities and preparing for your viber pairing for interviews writing CVS and all the links all the information is down below I’ve never really plugged it in a video but I get requests every single day and that’s absolutely amazing my prices are you depend on what it is that you are requesting so if you’re asking for proofreading they’re just kind of basic just English proofreading then that’s obviously basically bit cheaper than really academic proofreading where I kind of change the sentences as well and I recently proved in a poster proof of cover letters and a few of you have got into your PhD programs after I prove read your letters if you guys want to contact me and Commission me for any editing or proofreading or anything and then absolutely love that and my email will be down below so you may not want to hire a proofreader and that’s totally okay I wanted to give you my top I think I have 11 points yes my top 11 points for how to proofread your own work before I get into the tips I just wanted to say that make sure that you leave time to proofread so if your work is due in on Monday make sure that you’ve given yourself at least three to four days to actually proofread this process can be very monotonous very boring very tiresome cumbersome but it is I would say one of the most important parts of writing anything so he depends on how long your work is something like my thesis I I think I gave it about two weeks of proof food because it’s quite a large bit so the first thing I do and this is a very quick automatic thing is just to run a spell check and grammar check just from where taste sure that your your settings are on the language settings that you desire so obviously I always choose UK English and and annoyingly it always goes back to US English American Spelling’s and British Spelling’s for certain words are very different like S&Z; for example internalized or organized it’s spelt very differently and if you’re submitting work in the UK and it’s written in some American spending some English spelling and it’s not consistent that does look really unfair my second tip that I really think is underrated is to edit backwards so don’t start editing from the introduction and go towards the end and the conclusion start from the conclusion and go up towards the beginning we tend to read the beginning parts not all the time and then what happens is the end starts become a bit sloppy because by the time you’ve gotten there you’re probably quite tired from reading this essay a thousand times so start from the back start right at the bottom edit from there and go up towards the introduction my set tip is to read out loud to vocalize your word it’s the number of times the number of times I’m sitting with someone I’m true to me while we’re helping someone out and I ask them to read the sentence to me out loud and they read it and then they say oh there’s a mistake this is offs that I’ve asked them to check it two or three times when I ask them to read out loud it shows them their mistake to try to give every single word a purpose and say every single word on purpose I think nobody helps to ensure that your sentences makes sense it’s very easy to write instances that don’t really make sense and since a few would necessarily say in that structure so definitely sing out loud and vocalizing your work gives you a nice way of just checking that it makes sense my fourth tip is to give you a work to somebody else now this is probably a tip that you’ve heard before but definitely give you a work for someone else it could be anyone to be someone in that field it can be anybody proofreading is less about the content but more about the format and the English and the structure and the sentences and paragraphs so giving away that someone else just allows them to pick out mistakes that you may not have seen yourself our brains are so used to filling in the gaps I’m sure you guys have seen those sentences where though the letters are all jumbled up our brains try to figure things out for us to help us the fifth tip that I would say is to print your work outs usually print mine two pages on one so just to save paper especially with this thesis so with this thesis I actually printed six pages on one my mistake is because you know it’s not possible other ways to end up with something I can if you don’t walk around with but I printed them out I printed out in different sections so I did the method section and then I did the introduction and the results etc and I kind of edited it as I went along bring it on paper means that you can edit on the go so I used to edit on the tube and I was on my way to University or edit on a plane I was traveling before you know during submission time and or I would you know give that work someone else to edit it kind of gives me the flexibility to edits wherever also I find that it’s much easier to spot mistakes when it’s on paper on the screen it’s very easy to kind of just skim over things it’s also a nice way of giving yourself a little break from a computer screen you’re not supposed to look at a screen for too many hours in the day and I think a lot of us do so just by pressing it out it means that you’ll still be productive if still getting some work done and but it just means that you’re off screen and you can kind of just focus on this piece of paper and sort of the sixth thing I do generally is to look at sentence length now if a sentence is more than I would say two and a half lines I question it I think especially when you’re writing information that’s already quite heavy in terms of content you don’t want to pack in too many points in one sentence so what I would recommend you to do is any sentence that’s more than two and a half or three lines on an on a word document I would say to cut it in half even if you feel like it’s the same point cut it in half it does make it easy to read where the sentences are shorter longer sentences generally are quite messy and are also not very concise they’re not to the points the seventh tip I’d give is editing in bulk now I sometimes noticed that there are words that are misspelled or words that are not capitalized but should be capitalized like company names or names of people or major three agents maybe something that’s just generally capitalized some abbreviations have an uppercase letter and a lowercase letter and I noticed that we noticed that when I first writing but I notice it later on and imagine trying to go through a thesis that long and copying and changing every single word of that word if you’re gonna miss something so why generally tend to do is select ctrl and s so find a word I’ll select the word that I am looking for and then I would save a place with and love with the correct word there and I’ll say replace all so what that does is it replaces every single word in the document that is a mistake now this has been a lifesaver for me and I used it so much just genuinely think I even use it now when I’m writing anything or when I’m walking your work but I notice that there’s a work that has been not capitalized or not spelled correctly I just say to myself the chances are they’ve spelt this incorrectly throughout the thesis or throughout this essay and I correct every single one the a thing I do is check for consistency you might be taught to write with a certain font or some font size or spacing in between you see I wanted a spacing of 1.5 in between each line and this helps the the examiner to write kind of points or kind of feedback in between a lot of the time when I proofread your work I always ask you to send me a link to either online an online document that has formatting on it or some sort of marks beam and I like to just double check because otherwise it you know every every University every course has a different formatting expectation so when I do that academic proofreading which is pretty much for all of you guys to I always check the marks even kind of tell you oh you’re missing this out this needs to be corrected you know work on this the nice thing I do is check for common mistakes so common words that are usually spelled wrong like there and they are your and you are it’s and it’s his effects and effects it doesn’t matter how great your English is those words are just misspelled sometimes I I commonly misspelled weather and weather with a H what I do is when I go through the when I go through and proofread I just check those words just to make sure that it’s okay and throughout the essay not just in one place I really make sure to check it properly because that is one mistake that you do not want the test thing I do is proofread every single version so this is something that obviously I I don’t do when I proofing in your work because I get the last version but for you if you’re proofreading your own work makes sure that you proofread every single version let’s say you were to rewrite a section or a paragraph proofread the whole thing again make sure it makes sense you’ve got nothing to lose by proofreading ‘taking you work you only increase the probability that you find the mistakes and you can improve on them so I would say check as many times as you can eat the only time I say not to check is after it’s printed so when I printed this out so I printed four of these each one cost about I think was like 35 or 40 pounds yeah very expensive when I printed this out I refused to look at it because I knew that as soon as I opened it up I was going to find a mistake so and at this point what this abound it’s not going to change and I’m just gonna think about it so I would say there’s a point at which just accept there’s no change and just make sure that you’ve saved a version of the original you say you keep on saving as you go the last if I do is I always check facts and that’s something that you should do diligently check your facts let’s make sure that any figures that you use are correct make sure that any numbers use you quotes are correct make sure your references are correct as well the people the names of the authors should be correct as well make sure your abbreviations are correct make sure that if you let’s say you’ve done an experiment and using the region make sure that you’ve given them correct information work looks sloppy when it’s incorrect when it’s inaccurate I mean it’s not referenced what I tend to do and I think this is very useful my do this all the time in your work because obviously I don’t know everything I don’t know the names of everything and so what I tend to do is I will go on google and I’ll just search for the name so let’s say it’s a law let’s say for example Newton’s law for example and let’s say I do not know whether the N and the L should be capitalized I just do it and I look on a few papers a few published papers to see what they have done if they’ve capitalized it then I’ll come fertilize it if they haven’t that I won’t I know that’s going to be correct because nature publications for example have their own editor so if they’re professional editors have written it as a capital then I know that it’s going to be present it’s going to capitalized so that’s the end of the video I really hope that you gain some insight on how I proofread and how I recommend you guys to prove for you don’t get that perfection is pretty much impossible no matter how much I go through my work there will be probably be a mistake at the end of it especially something as long as a thesis just be okay with 99% perfection and don’t forget to press the like button and like this video if you enjoyed it and don’t forget to hit subscribe to see more from me I post videos twice a week well normally on Mondays and Thursdays at 7 at around 7 p.m. in the evening UK time and I’ll see you guys in my next video bye

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